Are you putting your brand value at risk?

In the nutrition industry, a good brand image can be destroyed by one unfortunate incident, as evidenced by the frequent news bulletins! Ensuring the quality of every consumer package is an ongoing task for manufacturers and organisations. To address this issue, the Nutrixperts audit approach focuses on QEHS risk elimination (in relation to products and personnel), benchmarked according to industrial standards and best practices within the industry.

Today, all serious manufacturers receive frequent site audits; from customers, ISO certifiers, government inspectors as well as for special purposes such as halal, organic or kosher certification, etc. However, these audits bring very little added value as far as risk reduction is concerned. The Nutrixperts audits are different since they apply a holistic approach to your operation to reduce the associated risks.

The Nutrixperts audit team consists of at least two senior auditors with experience of more than 50 nutritional factories, mainly in the infant formula industry. Our auditors have also practised what they preach by serving in leading management positions within the industry.



Quality, Environment, Health & Safety



Quality, Environment, Health & Safety